Morris-Baker Funeral Home & Cremation Services - Johnson City, TN.

Morris-Baker’s facilities are designed to be welcoming for everyone who walks through our doors, whether they’re meeting with a funeral professional for the first time or attending a funeral service for a loved one who has died.

We’ve tried to create an atmosphere that feels like a second home to families like yours and offers comfort during a time of need.


At Morris-Baker, we pride ourselves on the appearance and functionality of our facilities. We’re fully equipped to meet your needs, from large gatherings to the intimate services. Plus, we’re always working to keep the premises updated to surpass professional standards and exceed your expectations!

Here’s a look at our facilities. Contact us with any questions or for more information about your 
funeral service options.

Interior view of The Dogwood Chapel at Morris-Baker Funeral Home & Cremation Services location in Johnson City, TN.


The Dogwood Chapel features stunning stained glass, vaulted ceilings, state-of-the-art audiovisual system, and comfortable seating for 200 people (with the adjoining family room).

We completely renovated this chapel in 2007. Improvements included padded, spacious pews with easier access; a wider center aisle; and extra-padded carpeting. We also installed a 50-inch television that is completely hidden when not being used for viewing memorial videos as well as discreet equipment for recording audio or video of services (a free option for everyone we serve) or 

Interior view of Oak Chapel at Morris-Baker Funeral Home & Cremation Services location in Johnson City, TN.


The Oak Hall serves as a more intimate setting for memorial events. Originally built in 1992 to accommodate the increasing demand for evening services, the space was completely remodeled in 2022 to accommodate customers demand for a flexible, non-traditional space perfect for meaningful events of all types.  

Interior view of Hospitality Center at Morris-Baker Funeral Home & Cremation Services location in Johnson City, TN.


Accessible from each of our two entrances, the Hospitality Center provides a large, comfortable space for catered receptions or gatherings. (We can also help you coordinate everything, including choosing a menu that’s right for your group.)

Our inviting hospitality center is the perfect setting for friends and family to fondly reminisce about their loved one over coffee and tea, snacks, or a catered banquet — and begin the healing process together.

Interior view of the Hickory & Maple rooms at Morris-Baker Funeral Home & Cremation Services location in Johnson City, TN.


Two of our four rooms can be connected, easily accommodating small gatherings and large visitations alike — plus, it’s an ideal space for intimate family services.


  • Interior signage at Morris-Baker Funeral Home & Cremation Services location in Johnson City, TN.

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  • Lobby at Morris-Baker Funeral Home & Cremation Services location in Johnson City, TN.

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  • Interior view of Oak Chapel Morris-Baker Funeral Home & Cremation Services location in Johnson City, TN.

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  • Interior view of the Dogwood Chapel at Morris-Baker Funeral Home & Cremation Services location in Johnson City, TN.

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  • Hospitality Center at Morris-Baker Funeral Home & Cremation Services location in Johnson City, TN.

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  • Catering Services at Morris-Baker Funeral Home & Cremation Services location in Johnson City, TN.

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  • Hickory and Maple rooms at Morris-Baker Funeral Home & Cremation Services location in Johnson City, TN.

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  • Seating area in Hickory room at Morris-Baker Funeral Home & Cremation Services location in Johnson City, TN.

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  • Seating area in Maple Room at Morris-Baker Funeral Home & Cremation Services location in Johnson City, TN.

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  • Exterior view of Morris-Baker Funeral Home & Cremation Services location in Johnson City, TN.

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Morris-Baker Funeral Home & Cremation Services

Johnson City, TN.

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